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Category:American dating and relationship reality television series


Dating game shows are television game shows that incorporate a dating system in the form of a game with clear rules. Human matchmaking is involved only in selecting the game’s contestants, who are usually selected more for the amusement value than any concern for their happiness or compatibility. The audience sees only the game; an important feature of all dating game shows is that the contestants have little or no previous knowledge of each other, and are exposed to each other only through the game, which may include viewing a photograph or at least knowing the basic criteria for participation typically participants are not already married.

There have been a number of dating shows aired on television over the years, using a variety of formats and rules.

That is, until watching—inhaling is really the correct word—TLC’s reality-TV trashterpiece 90 Day Fiancé. TLC, for the unfamiliar, is the go-to.

When I was single and searching for the man of my dreams, I had the best job in the world — I was a reality television casting director for a big dating show. It was my job to search high and low for single hotties to cast on TV. Being the resourceful and, yes, perhaps a little desperate late something gal that I was, I often used my job as a dating service with just one client: me.

Along with scouring the country for man meat, I also had a tendency to exploit the world of online dating to entice guys to audition for the show. I wooed available men off of all the major dating sites — Match. I suddenly felt like I was doing a public service by putting people on TV and saving them from the clutches of online dating! Before the first rose, as it were, is ever handed out, every person you see on a reality dating show has been put through the reality TV casting ringer.

In order to appear on a big dating show, you must first pass a series of tests. No, not I. Depending on the show, you might undergo a Psychological exam to see if you are mentally fit for the show — these can often be around questions. No, not the turn and cough kind — but rather an in-depth STD exam. They have to keep that hot tub water clean, yo! We take this very seriously and, sadly, this step is where we lose a lot of potential candidates.