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Dr Anja Dirkzwager


NSCR conducts fundamental scientific research into crime and law enforcement. Our research is substantively innovative, methodologically state-of-the-art and contributes to the solution of major societal issues in the field of security and justice. Job vacancies. Home Staff Anja Dirkzwager.

International studies have consistently shown that the prevalence of poor mental health among prisoners is considerably higher than in the community. To date.

Go to page top Go back to contents Go back to site navigation. KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication Nazorg voor ex-gedetineerden door Exodus : maakt het verschil? Pagina-navigatie: Main. Title Nazorg voor ex-gedetineerden door Exodus : maakt het verschil? Recidiveonderzoek onder ex-gedetineerden die bij Exodus verbleven in de periode Published in Proces, Tijdschrift voor strafrechtspleging, 96 4 , – Author Wingerden, van S.

Date issued Access Open Access Type Article Abstract Exodus is an organization aimed at assisting prisoners at their transition to society. In the Exodus halfway houses participants receive help in finding a house and a job, in improving relationships with family and friends and in giving meaning to life. This study uses a quasi-experimental design to investigate whether participating in the Exodus program reduces reoffending: the observed reoffending rate is compared to the reoffending rate that was predicted based on characteristics of the participants.

The findings show that two years after leaving Exodus, This is 4. Go to Website Navigation: Home about narcis login Nederlands. Nazorg voor ex-gedetineerden door Exodus : maakt het verschil?