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Дата публикации: 21.10.2021

A new dating app study pinpoints exactly how long you should wait before sending a second text


How long to wait between messages online dating . September 21, the secrets to wait too long to email. Two responses are to meet irl?

Texting And Dating Etiquette: Are You Keeping Him Interested Or Pushing Him Away? or “What time do you want to meet for our date tonight?” you d-ck pics and you’re responding by engaging him or thinking it’s funny.

For many who came of age at the dawn of instant messaging, text-based flirting might come more naturally than face-to-face conversation. But even for those of us who have been doing this since our early teens, texting can still feel like a fickle mating dance, one where a wrongly interpreted emoji can be a source of grief and confusion. But, really, flirting is just a conversation — a warm, funny, and ostensibly enjoyable one.

Try it out with your crush or as a titillating pregame to your Zoom date, or test it out with your partner as they sweat over their sourdough starter in the next room. These are lazy and careless initiators: They leave the onus of a conversational response on your partner, which they have every right not to give. Set the tone.

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