Вызов мастера
Монтаж, ремонт, сервис климатической техники
Дата публикации:

Английский, времена, слова, помогите . Надо поставить в правильную форму


  1. I (go) to the gym every day.
  2. She (study) English for two years.
  3. They (play) football in the park yesterday.
  4. We (watch) a movie last night.
  5. He (work) as a teacher for five years.
  6. The cat (sleep) on the couch all day.
  7. My parents (visit) me last weekend.
  8. She (cook) dinner for her family yesterday.
  9. They (live) in London for ten years.
  10. We (read) a book in the library yesterday.